Spot illustrations are the slightly grown up version of icons with a little more detail. They’re most often used in empty states and new product announcements. They’re built externally on the Icons repository.
Using the spots helpers
Section titled Using the spots helpersJust like icons, spot illustrations are delivered as a Razor helper in Stack Overflow’s production environment, a custom liquid tag in our documentation’s Eleventy site generator, and a JavaScript helper for use in prototypes.
Helpers should be used for all spot illustrations in lieu of SVG sprite sheets or static raster image assets. This ensures a single source of truth for all spot illustrations.
Section titled Basic<!-- Razor -->
<!-- Liquid -->
{% spot "Wave" %}
<!-- JavaScript Helper -->
<svg data-spot="SpotWave"></svg>
Arbitrary classes
Section titled Arbitrary classesSpot illustrations can be colored on the fly with support for arbitrary classes.
<!-- Razor -->
@Svg.Spot.Wave.With("fc-orange-400 float-right js-dropdown-target")
<!-- Liquid -->
{% spot "Wave", "fc-orange-400 float-right js-dropdown-target" %}
<!-- JavaScript Helper -->
<svg data-spot="SpotWave" class="fc-orange-400 float-right js-dropdown-target"></svg>
Spot illustrations
Section titled Spot illustrations@Svg.Spot.Ads
Ads spot
AdsLg spot
AdsXL spot
Alert spot
AlertCircle spot
AlertCircleLg spot
AlertCircleXL spot
AlertLg spot
AlertXL spot
Answer spot
AnswerLg spot
AnswerXL spot
Approve spot
ApproveLg spot
ApproveXL spot
Astronaut spot
AstronautLg spot
AstronautXL spot
Award spot
AwardLg spot
AwardXL spot
Badge spot
BadgeLg spot
BadgeXL spot
Bell spot
BellLg spot
BellXL spot
Bookmark spot
BookmarkAdd spot
BookmarkAddLg spot
BookmarkAddXL spot
BookmarkLg spot
BookmarkXL spot
Bullhorn spot
BullhornLg spot
BullhornXL spot
Calendar spot
CalendarLg spot
CalendarXL spot
Checklist spot
ChecklistLg spot
ChecklistXL spot
Clock spot
ClockLg spot
ClockXL spot
Collection spot
CollectionLg spot
CollectionXL spot
Collective spot
CollectiveLg spot
CollectiveXL spot
Compass spot
CompassLg spot
CompassXL spot
DocumentAlt spot
DocumentAltLg spot
DocumentAltXL spot
Empty spot
EmptyLg spot
EmptyXL spot
Expire spot
ExpireLg spot
ExpireXL spot
Fire spot
FireLg spot
FireXL spot
Focus spot
FocusLg spot
FocusXL spot
ForYou spot
ForYouLg spot
ForYouXL spot
Four spot
Gauge spot
GaugeLg spot
GaugeXL spot
Gear spot
GearLg spot
GearXL spot
Globe spot
GlobeLg spot
GlobeXL spot
Headset spot
HeadsetLg spot
HeadsetXL spot
Health spot
HealthLg spot
HealthXL spot
Heart spot
HeartLg spot
HeartXL spot
Identity spot
IdentityLg spot
IdentityXL spot
Image spot
ImageLg spot
ImageXL spot
Inspect spot
InspectLg spot
InspectXL spot
JobListings spot
JobListingsLg spot
JobListingsXL spot
JobSearch spot
JobSearchLg spot
JobSearchXL spot
Key spot
KeyLg spot
KeyXL spot
Lightbulb spot
LightbulbLg spot
LightbulbXL spot
Location spot
LocationLg spot
LocationXL spot
Lock spot
LockLg spot
LockXL spot
Magnet spot
MagnetLg spot
MagnetXL spot
Mail spot
MailLg spot
MailXL spot
Mention spot
MentionLg spot
MentionXL spot
Metrics spot
MetricsLg spot
MetricsXL spot
Network spot
NetworkLg spot
NetworkXL spot
One spot
Page spot
PageLg spot
PageXL spot
Pencil spot
PencilLg spot
PencilXL spot
People spot
PeopleLg spot
PeopleXL spot
PersonVerified spot
PersonVerifiedLg spot
PersonVerifiedXL spot
Placeholder spot
PlaceholderLg spot
PlaceholderXL spot
Play spot
PlayLg spot
PlayXL spot
Puzzle spot
PuzzleAlt spot
PuzzleAltLg spot
PuzzleAltXL spot
PuzzleLg spot
PuzzleXL spot
Question spot
QuestionLg spot
QuestionXL spot
Quote spot
QuoteLg spot
QuoteXL spot
Refresh spot
RefreshLg spot
RefreshXL spot
Reputation spot
ReputationLg spot
ReputationXL spot
Rocket spot
RocketLg spot
RocketXL spot
School spot
SchoolLg spot
SchoolXL spot
Search spot
SearchLg spot
SearchXL spot
Star spot
StarBadge spot
StarBadgeLg spot
StarBadgeXL spot
StarBubble spot
StarBubbleLg spot
StarBubbleXL spot
StarLg spot
StarXL spot
Tada spot
TadaLg spot
TadaXL spot
Tags spot
TagsLg spot
TagsXL spot
Target spot
TargetLg spot
TargetXL spot
TechnicalWriting spot
TechnicalWritingLg spot
TechnicalWritingXL spot
Theme spot
ThemeLg spot
ThemeXL spot
Three spot
Trophy spot
TrophyLg spot
TrophyXL spot
Two spot
Unlock spot
UnlockLg spot
UnlockXL spot
UserAdd spot
UserAddLg spot
UserAddXL spot
Wave spot
WaveLg spot
WaveXL spot